
Fuckup Nights
Fuckup Nights
Intraprendenza ed errori, piani precisi e percorsi accidentati, piccoli e grandi intoppi. Quando fallire diventa occasione per nuove scoperte: arriva...
Artphilein — Tua Sorella. From street art to artist’s book
Artphilein — Tua Sorella. From street art to artist's book
“The 1980s, reflux, armed struggle and heroin. Telling about social unrest, rebellion, drugs and freedom. This story is my sister...
Giochi Preziosi — critical observation of the Winter Olympics MICO2026
Giochi Preziosi — critical observation of the Winter Olympics MICO2026
Despite the fact that these are very different ecosystem and social areas, in fact, the issues affecting them are critically...
Leporello — Almanac of Forgotten Memories, edited by Skinnerboox and Leporello Books
Leporello — Almanac of Forgotten Memories, edited by Skinnerboox and Leporello Books
"In 2020 I became a father for the second time, and after living in New York for 8 years, we...
Palermo Publishing: Archives as Dialogical Devices
Palermo Publishing: Archives as Dialogical Devices
Beginning with Giorgia Basch's work Al cerchio delle tue mani, a book dedicated to the photographic production of author Bibi...
Boîte Editions — fuoriregistro #4: Corpo Docente
Boîte Editions — fuoriregistro #4: Corpo Docente
The fourth issue of fuoriregistro observes that face to face interaction, which is the base of the pedagogical relationship as...
THE IMAGE THAT WILL NOT GO AWAY – Palestinian Visual Resistance: presentation and assembly
THE IMAGE THAT WILL NOT GO AWAY – Palestinian Visual Resistance: presentation and assembly
The Image That Will Not Go Away is a public event presented by DEMO and DARNA focusing on the question...
Adam Broomberg and Rafael Gonzalez in conversation with Alessia Glaviano
Adam Broomberg and Rafael Gonzalez in conversation with Alessia Glaviano
The olive tree is a cultural totem for Palestinian identity and resistance. It provides sustenance for more than 100,000 Palestinian...
Ecologia e AI: Ispirazioni dalla Natura per l’Innovazione
Ecologia e AI: Ispirazioni dalla Natura per l'Innovazione
L’intelligenza artificiale può essere uno straordinario alleato per mitigare il nostro impatto sull’ambiente, ma solo se guidata dalla ricerca scientifica...
Papsura Peak of Evil | Patagonia movie screening
Papsura Peak of Evil | Patagonia movie screening
In the heart of the Indian Himalayas lies Papsura, a nearly 6,500-meter mountain whose walls test even the most experienced...

So... is this getting serious?

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