We want to reverse the perspective.
Between presence and absence, between exclusive
and excluded, between visible and invisible.
Where differences make friction,
where nuances make sense.
Beyond the words “different” and “equal”
Where things are the same, but different.


Same Same But Different is the name of BASE’s strategic vision, the perspective leading our choices as a cultural institution, shaping our program, initiatives, artistic residencies, as well as our approach to fostering connections with the community and the territory.

Our goal is to become an open and diverse cultural institution that enables and promotes inclusivity, co-existence, and collaboration: a safe space, a platform, and an amplifier for voices that often go unheard, bodies that go unseen, and all those stories that don’t exist until they are told.

Same Same But Different: by taking a stance, however, we go beyond sameness and difference, landing in a space where distinctions and nuances have no defined boundaries – where needs, demands, bodies, and voices intersect and overlap.

The programme

Same Same But Different
We are part of the Italian Network Europe Beyond Access 2024-2027
"According to Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948): "Everyone has the right to participate freely in…
Same Same But Different
The Art Chapter
The Art Chapter
SAME SAME Club* is a new event born by the collaboration between BASE Milano and FLUIDOSTUDIO. A queer party, a…
Same Same But Different
Un'idea di centro culturale (An idea of a cultural center)
BASE Milano presents Un'idea di centro culturale (An idea of a cultural center): an open manifesto that tells the path…
Same Same But Different
An “Unexpected” IDEA of a Cultural Center
In our work, we spend a lot of time imagining change. In curatorial practice, in our relationship with artists, when…
Same Same But Different
Same Same But Different: new cultural institutions, accessible spaces
When someone asks us to explain what BASE is, we often find that a single definition is reductive, that its…


We wanna be a place that draws people closer together instead of pushing them apart. A platform that helps overcoming obstacles, or at the very least, reduces them in scale; a tool that breaks down barriers rather than raising new ones.

This process begins with language: we strive to express ourselves in the most open and clear manner possible, although we might not always succeed. We tend to use suuuuuper long sentences because we express ourselves and our intentions through circumlocutions; we prefer saying “all people” instead of “everyone”, for instance, or using truncated words that assist digital text readers. We carefully select expressions that don’t exclude any gender identity or any body, be it young or old, able-bodied or disabled.

We do so because if even just one more person can feel welcomed by BASE, thanks to a word spoken differently, we want to make sure that word is the right one.



To question ourselves, to know and recognise our own barriers and those that leave others out. To look where we had not yet looked and look for solutions. A path shared by the staff of BASE and other cultural actors on the issues of racialisation, gender discrimination, ableism. We found some answers, we are left with a thousand more questions.


To develop a tool for reflection and work for cultural institutions that, like us, want to rethink themselves in a plural and open way. The result? The protocol: the content, the container, an open and free working document to be consulted, used or revised by many different hands, voices and perspectives.


To make space for perspectives, voices, narratives, formats and models and to ‘design with’ instead of ‘organise for’. We work together with individuals and communities, private companies and associations, activists and professionals from the world of art, design, music and culture in all its disciplines.


Milano Mediterranea

Milano Mediterranea is a participatory post-colonial art center that speaks the languages of the Mediterranean (that fosters dialogue and connection among the mediterranean cultures) through participatory artistic residencies, a permanent workshop for young people, and a neighbourhood committee that supports them in selecting residency projects and cultural programming. 

Moleskine Foundation

Moleskine Foundation is a non-profit organization that, through creativity and education, aims to inspire a new generation of activists to take charge of their own future as well as that of their communities. 


Espressy is a multidisciplinary think tank fostering diversity and inclusion. Born out of the fusion of skills and experience of three professionals, Espressy provides consulting, training, and communication services to organizations seeking to enhance their social sustainability policies both internally and externally. 


Diversity is a foundation committed to spreading a culture of inclusivity: communication, research, monitoring, training, consultancy, and advocacy are redefined to meet national and international institutions and companies in their journey to enhance internal and external inclusivity. 

Associazione Culturale Fedora

Associazione Culturale Fedora has been promoting cultural accessibility for people with disabilities (with particular focus on sensory disabilities) since 2018, aiming to allow equal access to culture and to encourage a fresh, open, approach to disability within society. 

Al.Di.Qua. Artists (Alternative Disability Quality Artists)

Al.Di.Qua. Artists (Alternative Disability Quality Artists) is the first Italian association constituted by workers of the entertainment industry with disabilities. Established in 2020, it was born following a meeting that saw a variety of artists with disabilities come together to discuss issues and solutions regarding accessibility in the creative work field.   


MERENDE is an intimate and collective space, a queer zone open to the ‘elsewhere’, a celebration where escapism is regarded as an act of resistance. The project is based at the centre Angelo Mai since 2018, and has connected with various locations and contexts over the years — ITZ/Berlin, Nessuno/Milano, Fondamenta/Matera, etc. — taking on different forms, which are always open and willing to shift. 


Perimetro is an independent community magazine created to deliver a picture of Milan, captured by the lenses of a wide multitude of photographers. It is a printed as well as a digital project, which seizes and gathers glimpses of the city in its less conventional aspects – in its hidden architectures and places, its territories and the diversity of their communities. 

So... is this getting serious?

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