Medusa Deluxe is a 2022 film directed by Thomas Hardiman that blends thriller and drama, set in the intriguing and competitive world of hairstyling. The plot revolves around a mysterious murder that disrupts a hairstyling competition. As the participants attempt to solve the mystery, hidden tensions, jealousies, and rivalries come to light. Each character becomes a suspect, and the intricate details of the crime are revealed through sharp dialogues and a non-linear narrative. The film is known for its distinctive visual style and the use of long takes that heighten the tension and create a claustrophobic atmosphere. Medusa Deluxe explores themes such as obsession with appearance, ambition, and the fragility of human relationships, offering a unique and stylistically rich take on the thriller genre. Enjoy a showcase of unique hairstyles crafted by the legendary Eugene Souleiman!
The air is thick with hairspray, cruel gossip, and even murderous instincts in Thomas Hardiman’s bold and extravagant thriller, shot in a single continuous take and set in a hairstyling competition.
Thomas Hardiman is a British director and screenwriter known for his work in independent cinema. He made his debut with his film Medusa Deluxe (2022), a thriller set in the world of hairstyling competitions. Hardiman has garnered attention for his unique and visually innovative approach to storytelling. His style is characterized by a blend of suspense, dark humor, and a distinctive visual aesthetic, establishing him as an emerging talent in the international film scene.
MUBI is a global streaming service offering a curated selection of films, from arthouse and independent cinema to cult classics and critically acclaimed masterpieces. Unlike other platforms, MUBI features a rotating lineup of 30 hand-picked films, with a new title added daily, providing a unique and thoughtful viewing experience for cinephiles. In addition to streaming, MUBI also produces and distributes original films, fostering a strong community of film lovers worldwide.
A film by: Thomas Hardiman
Written by: Thomas Hardiman
Produced by: Léonore Schick
Executive Producers: Michael Elliott, Conor McCaughan
Director of Photography: Robbie Ryan
Editing: Fouad Gaber
Music: Koreless
Production Design: Chloë Thomson
Costumes: Alice Gell
Featuring: Clare Perkins, Kayla Meikle, Lilit Lesser, Luke Pasqualino
- Durata 101'